Brand voice

Our voice embodies our values and mission. We openly welcome others into our collaborative space, sharing an inclusive perspective on GitLab’s vision.

Our brand principles extend to our voice and communications as well. Consider how each characteristic works together to create a holistic narrative. For instance, our human-centric approach balances our ambitious edge; our concise messaging reinforces our trustworthiness; and so on. All facets are needed to fully represent who we are. Depending on the audience, it may make sense to lean into one area more than another.

Sample headlineApproach
The DevSecOps Platform grows with you.Human. We invite others because we value inclusivity and transparency. We are approachable, relatable, and collaborative.
Powerful, scalable, end-to-end automation is certain with GitLab.Reliable. We provide others with trustworthy and knowledgeable resources. We are helpful, confident, and consistent.
A community of big ideas for better DevSecOps.Dynamic. We are dedicated to positive change. We are iterative, clever, and curious.
GitLab. The DevSecOps Platform.Clear. We are concise and straight to the point. We are efficient, informative, and organized.

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