Branded lockups
Co-branded lockups
Co-branded lockups are created by the Brand Design team for approved GitLab partnerships, events, and campaigns. We default to the partner company’s co-branding lockup standards, but adhere to the following when such standards do not exist:
- Use the core GitLab logo.
- Ensure both logos are visually equal in size.
- Insert a gray line (Gray 03) between the logos equal to the height of the GitLab logo.
- Center both logos vertically; the company’s logo should not exceed the height of the tanuki.
Ensure proper clear space (x-height equal to the height of the letter 'a' from our wordmark) around all sides of both logos.
Program lockups
Program lockups are used to identify GitLab’s various marketing efforts around product-related topics or bring general awareness to GitLab’s offerings; this occurs through programs, initiatives, and communities that are promoted both internally and externally. The lockup should always be accompanied by GitLab branding.
For GitLab team members looking to create a lockup for their program, please access this self-service template via Canva, or request a new design using the appropriate issue template. The format of the lockup is as follows:
- Begin with GitLab on its own line, followed by the program name. Text should not exceed 3 lines total or 12 characters per line.
- Use Inter Semi Bold for GitLab and Inter Regular for the program name. Set the leading to 112% (1.1 in Canva) and tracking to 0.
- Default to Charcoal for the fill color of the entire lockup.
- Add the lockup’s logomark; this shape extends from the top of the G down to the baseline of the second line of text and features two rounded corners, with the pointed corner leading to GitLab.
- Select a white icon from the icon library that represents the program. Center it in the logomark. There should be at least 30% padding around the icon. If you need a new icon created, please submit an issue for a new design request.
- Contact the Brand Design team for approval of the final lockup. You can also access the design approval feature in Canva for review.
Ensure proper clear space (x-height equal to the height of the logomark) around all sides of the lockup. Program lockups should always be accompanied by the GitLab logo and never exceed 75% of the width of the GitLab logo on any given asset.
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