Design tokens usage guide

In design

Using design tokens as Figma variables is now GA.

  1. Use colors from Design tokens as Figma variables instead of styles from 📙 Component library. (How do I apply a Figma variable?)
  2. Let us know how you get on in the feedback issue. No problem too big, no feedback too small.

We've scoped these Figma variables by limiting the properties they can be applied to. This helps cut out the guess work when designing and supports recommended usage. For example, text.color.default can only be applied as a fill to a text element and not to a stroke or shape layer.

Work with dark mode

To enable switching between light and dark modes in Figma, use Design tokens library with 📙 Component library. These libraries use Figma variables that adapt to the selected mode and sync directly with our design tokens in code.

Components in 📙 Component library are built using these variables from Design tokens library. Unlike color styles from 📙 Component library, when you switch mode, variables automatically update to their scheme-specific values.

By default, Figma uses Auto mode which defaults to light theme. To change the mode, select Apply variable mode in either:

  • the Page sidebar when nothing is selected
  • the Appearance sidebar when an object is selected
Screenshot of Figma user interface sidebar cropped to the page section
'Apply variable mode' button in the Page sidebar
Screenshot of Figma user interface sidebar cropped to the appearance section
'Apply variable mode' button in the frame appearance section

You should set the mode at the page or parent frame level. Elements with the Auto mode inherit the mode from their parent, which allows styles to cascade. In the GitLab product, the mode applies to the entire user interface.

If you design outside the design system, use color styles from 📙 Component library. For example, use purple-400. These colors remain static across modes, so document any special behaviors during handoff.

In code

Use design tokens in code through these approaches, listed in order of preference:

  1. Pajamas components: The primary way to implement design tokens in your UI.
  2. CSS utility classes: For custom styling needs not covered by Pajamas components.
  3. CSS custom properties: For precise control over specific CSS properties.

If these options don't meet your needs, reach out to the design system team to discuss potential improvements.

Using design tokens in code is explained in more detail in design tokens technical implementation.


Our design tokens are organized into conceptual categories that reflect their purpose and usage within the user interface. These categories help create consistent, accessible, and meaningful user experiences across the product. Consider the context, user needs, and overall design consistency when designing custom elements that use design tokens. Use sufficient color contrast and provide text alternatives for all visual indicators.


Actions are interactive elements that trigger or represent user actions. action.* design tokens give a common visual style for interactive elements across the GitLab UI.

To create bespoke interactive elements, combine background, foreground, and border color tokens. Note that in some modes, borders might not be visible by default. This is intentional to provide accessible boundaries in modes like Windows High Contrast Mode.

Action tokens support three contexts:

  • neutral: Default for most actions.
  • confirm: For positive outcome actions.
  • danger: For potentially destructive actions.

Interactivity can be communicated through implementing states such as hover, focus, and active.

Consider using existing GitLab components (such as button, pagination, or tabs) that already implement action tokens. These provide consistent styling and behavior without custom implementation. For more information on available components, see the components overview.


Document control design tokens. Create an issue


feedback.* design tokens are used to communicate dynamic information about the result of an action, event, or opportunity. Feedback often requires a user's attention or action.

Use feedback design tokens when:

  • Notifying a user about a system event (for example, an error or successful action).
  • Promoting a new feature or important information.
  • Providing guidance or additional context.

Examples of custom feedback elements:

  • A notice that alerts about unusual performance patterns, or an available dependancy update.
  • An inline update providing compliance check feedback, or discovery of a new vulnerability.
  • An addition to a collaboration activity stream.


status.* design tokens represent the current state or condition of an element or system. A status item provides static information that doesn't typically require immediate action.

Use status design tokens when:

  • Indicating the current state of an item (for example, in progress or completed).
  • Showing a priority or importance level.
  • Representing system health or connection status.

Examples of custom status elements:

  • A color-coded indicator showing task urgency, or the current state of a CI pipline.
  • A small icon representing the confidentiality level of a document, or the visibility of a repository.
  • Text communicating code test coverage as a percentage.


Choosing between feedback and status

Use these factors to decide between using feedback and status design tokens:

Characteristic Feedback Status
Purpose Communicates changes or opportunities Informs about current state
Timing Triggered by events or changes Always present
User attention Often requires immediate action Doesn't require immediate action
Persistence Often temporary Persistent until state changes
Scope Can relate to entire system Specific to particular element
Interactivity May include interactive elements Typically non-interactive
  • Notice of a performance issue.
  • Dependency update alert.
  • Compliance check results.
  • New vulnerability notification.
  • Task urgency indicator.
  • CI pipeline state.
  • Repository visibility icon.
  • Code coverage percentage.

Additional considerations:

  1. Dynamic vs. static: Feedback is often dynamic and changing, while status tends to be more static, changing only when the underlying state changes.
  2. Context: Consider the broader context of the user interface. Status is often used within components or alongside specific elements, while feedback might appear separately or overlay other content.
  3. Combination use: In some cases, you might use both status and feedback design tokens together. For example, status design tokens to show the current state of a CI/CD pipeline, with feedback design tokens to communicate that a merged result pipeline has failed.
  4. Active processes: For ongoing processes (like 'in progress' or 'syncing'), consider using status, as these represent the current state even though they're dynamic.

When in doubt, consider whether the information represents the current state of something (status) or is communicating a change or the result of an event (feedback). Remember that the primary goal is to provide clear, consistent, and meaningful information to the user in the context of GitLab.

Visually defining content areas

A region is the loosest form of visual organization through boundaries formed by white space, typography, backgrounds, and dividers. A container creates more explicit grouping with backgrounds and borders to define clear bounds and aid visual hierarchy. Regions and containers can both be nested to create the desired hierarchy in a given layout.

  • Use background.color.default and border.color.default by default when a background or border is needed.
  • Presentational attributes such as subtle and strong establish visual hierarchy without specific meaning.
  • Semantic attributes such as section, overlap, and disabled indicate a container's purpose in the interface.


A section is a specific type of container that completely encloses its content. Sections must:

  • Include borders on all sides using border.color.section.
  • Use background.color.section as its background color.
  • Only include section borders within its boundaries.
  • Not include nested sections.

Optionally, sections can also:

  • Use background.color.subtle for nested containers when visual hierarchy is needed.
  • Use feedback and status backgrounds for feedback and status regions.

Patterns and matching

Document token pairing for color patterns and token matching for conceptual patterns. View issue

Accessibility considerations

Document accessibility considerations when matching design tokens. Create an issue

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