A card displays a single group of content within a set of similar groups.
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- Container: Wraps the content.
- Header (optional): Contains the title.
- Title (optional): Conveys the purpose of the card.
- Picture (optional): Visual indication about the content of the card
- Content: Contains a wide variety of content types and controls depending on the purpose.
- Actions (optional): Buttons or links used to provide explicit action(s) the user can take related to the card content.
When to use
- Display a single, concise group of content within a set of similar, related groups. As a set, each card is meaningful on its own, but also in relationship and comparison to other cards.
When not to use
- A card shouldn't be used for the sole purpose of styling a single block of content. Use available utility classes instead.
- If you're only displaying static text or items that don't require comparison or additional grouping, consider using a semantic HTML list instead.
- If you need to present or compare data, consider using a table instead.
- If you need to show a high level overview of a single data point, use a single stat component.
There are two different variants for the cards: vertical and horizontal.
- Horizontal: Horizontal cards work well on larger screens. They can be used in a maximum of 2 columns due to their larger width.
- Vertical: Vertical cards work well on smaller screens and increase readability. They can be used in a maximum of 3 colums due to their smaller width.
- Card width is fluid by default.
- A card can be static or draggable when there is an option to reorder it within a set of other cards.
- When dragging a card, any adjacent cards should remain visible.
- For touch devices, there should be a longer hold on the card to avoid collision with the act of scrolling.
- When a card is currently being dragged, there should be an indication it's in a draggable state.
- If a card contains an action, a button or link inside the card should trigger the action, not the entire card.
- All copy within a card should be short, actionable, and use clear language.
- A card should utilize the skeleton loader pattern when possible to represent loading content within.
- Be brief and keep it to a single line by utilizing a sentence fragment.
- Avoid using punctuation such as periods, commas, or semicolons.
- Use a full stop only when it's a full sentence.
Body content
- Since a card can be used for many purposes, body content can be just about anything from an image to meta information and plain text.
- Body content for each card within a set should follow a similar pattern and structure so that the cards are scannable and consistent.
- For horizontal layout, the image should be top/left-aligned with the content container.
- For vertical layout, the image should be center-aligned with the content container.
- Buttons are left aligned, except in right-to-left languages where they are right aligned and should follow the alignment and order guidelines for buttons.
- Contains the primary and secondary action (if applicable) for a card.
- Located below the content.
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