
Labels are editable objects that allow users to manually categorize other objects, like issues, merge requests, and epics. They have a name, description, and a customizable color. They provide a quick way to recognize which categories the labeled object belongs to.


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When to use

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When not to use

  • If displaying more generic object metadata that are not categories, consider using badges.


  1. Scoped Labels: Scoped labels are a unique type of label, characterized by their mutually exclusive behavior. Each scoped label has a key and a value. An issue, epic, or merge request can only have one scoped label of a specific key. For example, if an issue has the label workflow::ready for design, it cannot have any other workflow:: labels at the same time. Applying a second workflow:: label will automatically replace the former. A scoped label is visually differentiated from a regular label by the contrasting colors on the left and right sides of the label.


  • Clicking on a label filters the view, or navigates the user to a list view filtered by that label.
  • Users can manually filter lists and other types of views by labels.
  • Labels can include a close icon that, when clicked, remove the label from the interface.



  • A label's description is shown in a tooltip when hovering the label.


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