
A badge highlights system generated metadata as an attribute of a larger object.


Badge variants
Actionable badges

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Numbered diagram of a badge structure
Badge structure
  1. Container: Wraps the content.
  2. Icon (optional): Supports or directly communicates the metadata meaning, always left aligned.
  3. Text (optional): Conveys the status or other attribute of the metadata.


When to use

  • Highlight system generated metadata that provides additional meaning or status to a primary object, like an issue or merge request.

When not to use

  • Showing metadata doesn't always require the use of a badge. If it doesn't need to be highlighted consider using a static icon or plain text.
  • A badge shouldn't be a standalone, floating element. If it can't be placed within direct relationship to the object it supports, consider using another method that provides more context for the metadata.
  • If the metadata is created and applied by a user, or customizable, use a label instead.


  • Neutral muted (default): Metadata that is stable and requires minimal emphasis. Has a neutral meaning.
  • Neutral: Metadata that is stable but special, or that requires moderate emphasis. Has a neutral meaning.
  • Info: Metadata that is noteworthy, or communicates a state of active progress. Has a neutral to slightly positive meaning.
  • Success: Metadata that is positive or desired. Has a clearly positive connotation.
  • Warning: Metadata that is sub-optimal but not critical. Has a slightly negative meaning.
  • Danger: Metadata that is critical or problematic. Has a strongly negative meaning.
  • Tier: Metadata that indicates which product tier an entity belongs to.


  • A badge is static (non-interactive) by default.
  • A badge should link to the object it refers to if the user isn't seeing the most detailed state of that object (for example, the object's detail page).


  • Information can be represented by an icon, text, or both together.
  • Avoid long text strings.
  • When text overflows the width, it's truncated and aided by a tooltip (content doesn't wrap).
  • Text can be emphasized with bold weight, but use sparingly.
  • Text can contain not only words, but also numbers which act as counters (for example, a number badge in a tab).
  • When only using an icon, provide a tooltip with a brief explanation.


  • When a badge only has an icon, the icon must use aria-label with text that identifies the metadata.
  • When an icon is present with text it must use aria-hidden="true" to avoid being announced by a screen reader.
  • When a badge is used as meta information to support content it's inline with, ensure that its meaning is clear. If necessary, add sr-only text after the badge. For example, <gl-badge>9</gl-badge><span class="sr-only">to-do's</span> clarifies what "9" quantifies.
  • If a badge isn't inline with the content it supports, use aria-describedby="badgeID" to associate the content with the badge, where badgeID is the unique ID of the badge. Note that aria-describedby support is mostly on focusable elements and headings.


Other terms that are commonly used to refer to a badge: counter, status, chip, tag, metadata, lozenge, pill, and bubble.

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