
A toggle is a visual switch which acts as a boolean.


Loading story...
Disabled Toggle
Loading story...
Loading Toggle
Loading story...
Label positioned left
Loading story...

View in Pajamas UI Kit →


Numbered diagram of a toggle structure
Toggle structure
  1. Label: Describes the control when the toggle is on.
  2. Description: (optional) Provides more context for the label.
  3. Switch: Visual indication of whether the toggle is on or off.
  4. Body: Containing body for the switch to move on and off.
  5. Help text: Clarifies the outcome of changing the toggle state.


When to use

  • There's a binary choice for enabling a setting (ux-research#1215). For examples, choices that follow a boolean relationship like on/off, true/false, enable/disable, or activate/deactivate.
  • The item being toggled has a default state. For example, notifications default to off for a merge request you haven't participated in.
  • The result of changing the toggle state is immediately effective and there's no need for an additional action to apply or save a change.

When not to use

  • A submit button is needed to apply or save a selection.
  • When the setting exists within a form that has other elements, like text inputs or checkboxes, that need to be saved or submitted.
  • Two choices don't map to a boolean relationship like on/off.
  • There are more than two choices.
  • If multiple items can be selected, including nested items, and the result of the selection has to be saved or submitted, consider using a checkbox instead.
  • If only one item can be selected and the result of the selection has to be saved or submitted, consider using a radio button instead.
  • If making a selection from a list of items, consider using a combobox instead.
  • If changing a content view or preference in the context of that content, consider using a segmented control instead.


  • Toggle labels are set in bold, positioned above the element by default.
  • The label can be positioned to the left if only a single toggle is being used.
  • The description sits below the label.


  • Consider providing feedback of the toggle state change by using a toast.



  • Concisely describe what the control does when the toggle is on.


  • Optional: Provides more context for the label.
  • Only available using a vertical layout.

Help text

  • Clarifies the outcome of changing the toggle state.
  • Only available using a vertical layout.


  • The gl-toggle component requires an id, which is used in the aria-labeledby attribute value.
  • Use aria-describedby to associate the description and help text with the toggle for a screen reader user.

Toggle with label

<gl-toggle v-model="notifications" :label="__('Notifications')" />

Toggle with hidden label

<gl-toggle v-model="notifications" :label="__('Notifications')" label-position="hidden" />

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