Sharing files and prototypes
Figma contains orange data and files are generally not publicly available by default.
Files and prototypes are allowed to be shared externally when accessed with a password. Public links will expire after 14 days by default.
When sharing files publicly some unSAFE information might be accessible through the version history, comments, or branches. If in doubt, move content to a new file before sharing.
To publicly share a file or prototype:
- Open the file you want to share in Figma.
- Click the "Share" button in the top-right corner of the interface.
- In the sharing modal, select "Anyone with the link" to make it public.
- Copy the generated password.
- Set the expiration time for the link (default is 14 days, but can be shortened).
- Save the share settings.
- Copy the share link.
- Share the link and password with your intended recipients.
For specific design references in issues or merge requests:
- Select the specific frame you want to share.
- Right-click and choose "Copy/Paste as" > "Copy link".
- Use this frame-specific link in your issue or merge request.
When sharing files internally ensure that the team member has the desired level of permissions needed. For example, providing edit access when being asked to help test in a branch or only providing view access when a user doesn't have an edit seat in the organization.
Learn more about sharing files and prototypes and password protection.
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